Info Daniela A. Ayala M.

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

Do you like experiments?: PAPER TOWEL EXPERIMENT

Hi hello my dear ones! Here I am again with more great ideas to do in our quarantine.
Do you know that paper towel's experiment are on fashion now? I've seen lots of ideas on Instagram, showing how to make beautiful rainbows or other shapes with this, but tonight I've just found this great video that shows exactly what I was looking for. It combines art and crafts and science!! Isn't it amazing? :P
So please, watch this video and try to do the same if you want to!!
Enjoy it!!
Hugs and kisses,
Teacher Daniela.

Nota: Sugerencia para hacer en casa, quien pueda y quiera. Los materiales pueden ser variados, desde acuarelas, témperas o colorantes alimenticios, algo que tiña, tampoco hace falta usar tantos colores, con dos ya funcionaría el experimento.
Es propuesta voluntaria :D.
¡Buen día a todos!

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